Saturday 21 March 2015

stila waterproof smudge stick eyeliner is the best

I know I've expressed this sentiment before, but I added two colors to my collection since then and I am in L-U-V.

So far I own Mint Julep, Canary, and Turquoise. I am in a wedding next Saturday and my bridesmaid dress is mint (eeeee!!) so I will def be rocking the Mint Julep then. Tho Alpine would be tight as well...

canary, mint julep, turquoise

Anyway, I went to Sephora recently and I tried out a bunch of different bright eyeliners on the back of my hand and none of them popped the way the Stila smudge sticks do. I've read some online reviews and a lot of people complain that the stick doesn't twist up, but it should and it does. It takes a lot of twisting the first time, but eventually it comes out. I'd compare it to how you have to crank a disposable camera like crazy to take the first picture, but if you're patient it works.

I was never much of a Stila fan. Not because I didn't like their product, but because it all seemed a little tame. I've heard it's made the same way or in the same place as NARS, which I LOVE but is a bit too $$$. I might have to change my tune about Stila though because my smudge stick obsession led me to this amazingness...
stila countless color pigments

...which I'm sure is more aesthetically pleasing than it is practical. But like, look at it.

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